February 23, 2025

Drafting Techniques and Design Concepts

Drafting techniques and design concepts are another level above learning the basic fundamentals in the mechanics of chip carving and WHY it works the way it does.

Drafting is a major part of chip carving and should be excepted as part of the process of chip carving. Because there is so much that could be covered here, that has already been published in the “Chip Carvers (Quarterly) Newsletter” it would fill this entire site.

Placing the pattern on the wood takes drafting layout skill and selecting a design that complimentary fits the project takes layout drafting skills. These abilities can be learned just like learning to extricate chips from the wood surface.

Much in “thinking design” has been covered in back issues of the “Chip Carvers Newsletter” and can be easily understood with the use of going through the learning curve of placing the mind in the mode of design thinking. Chip carving teaches us to be observant and aware of our surroundings.

Looking at what has been done in chip carving one can learn the basic fundamental of design thinking to produce their own designs or with some drafting skill modify existing designs or combining other various designs together for your own use.

How to Think Design: Thinking outside the box you will hear a lot about these days, which simply means not having preconcieved ideas about what should be, but what can be.  Looking at chip carving from different perspectives and not being afraid to make a mistake, ideas will come to the mind easily and without prejudese.

Where to Learn “Design Thinking:” The trick in learning anything new and becoming better at what you can do is to associate yourself with those that can. Find a chip carving instructor who is willing to share their knowledge and work with you on learning these concepts. Allow them to become your mentor.

Study what has already been published and ask questions. Even with depending on a mentor you still have to do your own homework. A good mentor will make you work for your answers. Learn from your mistakes and find ways that will work besr for you.

Look for ideas in quilting, stain glass, embrodery, cut glass, mosaic tile, coloring books, junk mail, it’s there just look for it.

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